A big family photo after the community building activity.
During the long holiday weekend from 10 to 13 April, over 90 Nalanda members and core volunteers came together for the 10th National Nalanda Members’ Convention at Wisdom Park. Keeping to the theme of ‘Towards a Buddhist Missionary’, the group delved deeper into personal and organisational transformation through learning, reflections and team building activities.
Learning sessions focused on developing heightened awareness which is an enabler for us to be alert to our own behaviours and what is happening around us. Guided by wholesome intentions, we are then able to quickly respond and add value to others as well as contribute positively to any situation. This gradually leads to a refinement of our social and missionary skills to influence the community to learn and practice Dhamma.
Nalanda President, Sis Buddhini Tan leads the first session on organisational transformation.
Sis. Nandini Tan shares the realities which are pertinent for us to be aware of.
The new Branch Committees were also installed during the Convention.
Sis. Paruadi Ramasamy led learning sessions on heightened awareness.
Bro. Tan Siang Chye gave a talk to deepen our learning on community.
Sis. Joanne Tan led a learning session enhancing our awareness.
Members were also briefed on the planned initiatives towards organisational transformation, and discussed the realities of the missionary movement today which is laden with both challenges and opportunities. Embodying the spirit of a missionary, everyone opened up their hearts to embrace the possibilities which lie ahead and share their aspirations to contribute towards realising them.
With all of us playing our part in this journey, let us turn these possibilities into realities for the prolongation of Buddha-Sasana. Sadhu!
The evening forum with founding members provided good insights for members.
Bro. Ananda Fong gave a sharing after the morning chanting.
Sis. Saw Geik Cheok sharing Dhamma with the group.
Updates from Kuala Lumpur Branch Chairman, Bro. Yong Keok Fatt.
Sis. Ong Ai Geok, Chairwoman of Nalanda Johor Bahru Branch giving an update.
Chairman of Nalanda Branch Sungai Petani, Dr. Song Wai Leng giving an update of branch progress and programmes.
Sharing a song from the heart with members.
For more photos, please click here