Happy Nalanda Day

Happy Nalanda Day

1 May 2024 marks the 21st anniversary of Nalanda Buddhist Society Malaysia.  On behalf of the Board of Management, I would like to wish all Nalandians “Happy Nalanda Day”!

Nalanda Day is specially dedicated for the Nalanda community to humbly reflect on the society’s journey, from its inception to its current development, and to honour all those who have played a part in the society’s growth and success.

In the last year, we celebrated our 20th Anniversary, a significant milestone achieved through the dedication, growth, and the enduring spirit of the Nalanda community.  Reflecting on the theme “Making Lives More Meaningful”, we are grateful to have had the supporting conditions and privilege of connecting people to the Dhamma, seeing their joyful expressions and witnessing their gradual transformation.

On behalf of the Society, I would like to express our deepest gratitude to all members and past leaders who have demonstrated utmost trust, dedication and commitment towards Nalanda’s vision and mission over the years.  感恩一路上有大家!

To the late Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda, and Ven. B. Sri Saranankara, our spiritual advisors and to all our Dhamma teachers, we revere and cherish them for reinforcing the core teachings of the Buddha, and ensuring that the Dhamma remain accessible to all who seek them.  Our appreciation is also extended to all volunteers, donors, benefactors and devotees for your support in sustaining and expanding our educational initiatives.

As we observe the 21st anniversary of Nalanda on 1 May 2024, we reaffirm our commitment to stay true to our mission and vision, and to embody the core values and guiding principles based on Buddha-Dhamma.  We will not rest on our laurels, but keep envisioning and enabling the Society continue to flourish and serve the wider community for many more years to come.

We set intentions for the future and see the journey of the next decade to likely be filled with profound experiences, growth, and transformation.  We hope that you will continue to stay determined with Nalanda, and together create the conditions for the miracle of education to unfold.  Along this journey we will have ups and downs; however, we have faith that with the blessings of the Three Jewels, our efforts in  embodying Dhamma, and the support of kalyana mittata, we will persevere in this noble mission together.

Thank you, dear friends, for your kindness, generosity, and commitment to Buddhist education.  May your support continue to inspire and uplift all on this noble path of learning and transformation!

Thank you, and Sadhu anumodana!

Message from Sis. Buddhinī Tan

President of Nalanda Buddhist Society Malaysia