Nalandians gathered at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang for the midnight service to usher in the New Year with gratitude and faith in the Three Jewels.
Last night, more than 200 Nalandians assembled for midnight chanting and a Dhamma sharing by Bro. Tan, where he explained the meaning of the Buddhist maxim, “Ye dhamma hetuppabhava…” It was a wonderful gathering to ‘calm down’ to the New Year, and a great way to begin 2016 – full of spirit and spirituality.
Nalanda Buddhist Society wishes everyone a ‘Happy New Year’ 2016! We would like to record our deep appreciation to our benefactors, volunteers and supporters who have journeyed with us over the past 12 years in providing quality Buddhist education.
Let us strive on mindfully and diligently in our Dhamma-learning and practice in the year ahead. We wish everyone much peace, joy and spiritual progress. May all beings be well and happy always.