We welcome sponsors for 33 pillars on the first floor of Wisdom Park Administrative Centre.
The Wisdom Park Administrative Centre under Phase 1C is currently under construction and it is scheduled for completion in early 2020. The 9,000 square feet building will house the management office, volunteer centre, accommodation for teachers, and space for meeting/training activities.
We would like to thank everyone for generously sponsoring the two main pillars and all pillars on the ground floor. We now invite interested donors to sponsor 33 pillars on the first floor of the same building, costing RM2,000 each.
In Pāli Language, ‘Tavatimsa’ means “belonging to the 33”. It is the realm of the 33 devas who were reborn there due to their noble lives and meritorious deeds. The sponsorship of these 33 pillars signifies our support towards Buddha-Sāsana, and in honour of the ‘Tavatimsa’ devas.
Sponsorship can be made at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang, or via bank transfer to:
“Nalanda Buddhist Society”
Maybank account number : 5121-4702-3622
Your support towards the Wisdom Park project will go a long way in the development of future Buddhist leaders and teachers in Malaysia. Thank you very much!
For more information, kindly visit Wisdom Park website at www.wisdompark.org