Chairman of Nalanda Education Committee Achariya Vijaya Samarawickrama ‘unveiled’ the books on Sunday, 7 May – in time for Wesak Day distribution.
We would like to thank all generous devotees who sponsored three booklets – “Kamma in Buddhism”, “Living in the Present”, and “Getting Started in Mindfulness with Breathing” – for printing and distribution this Wesak.
12,000 copies of the booklets were fully distributed to the public on Wesak ‘Buddha Day’ at 14 vihāras and Buddhist centres in Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Johor, Malacca, and Kedah. Due to the good response and further demand, we intend to print another 15,000 copies to be progressively distributed to other states and Singapore via more Buddhist centres.
All three titles were authored by the late Ajahn Buddhadāsa (1906-1993) – a revered teacher in the Thai forest tradition. He was a famous meditation teacher and thinker who attracted many local and Western disciples to his monastery – Suan Mokkh in Chaiya – to learn and practise Dhamma.
Director of Nalanda Institute Achariya Tan Siang Chye (right) launched the books on 10 May ‘Buddha Day’, together with Nalanda President Sis. Evelyn Chow.
We are grateful to the original publishers of these booklets in Thailand and the United States of America for allowing their reprinting for free distribution in Malaysia. We are also thankful to Pustaka Nalanda (the Library) and the local printer for the effort to edit and publish the books.
“The gift of Dhamma excels all gifts!” We at Nalanda rejoice over your wholesome and meritorious deed in making these books widely available for the public to learn Buddha-Dhamma. Sadhu anumodana!