The simple launching of “Without & Within” on 21 May was presided over by Ven. Dhammalankara and Ven. Samiddhi, together with Mr. Gobind Singh Deo MP, Bro. Tan, and Nalanda President Sis. Evelyn.
Wesak ‘Buddha Day’ on 21 May seemed the perfect day to launch the Malaysian edition of Venerable Ajahn Jayasaro’s insightful book – “Without & Within” – at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang. The book was launched in a simple but meaningful ceremony by Venerable Dhammalankara, Venerable Samiddhi, and the Honorable Mr. Gobind Singh Deo, Member of Parliament for Puchong, who was Nalanda’s Guest-of-honour for the ‘Buddha Day’ gathering.
The reprinting of 6,000 copies of this excellent book was jointly undertaken by Bandar Utama Buddhist Society (BUBS) and Nalanda Buddhist Society. Nalanda has distributed many copies to Buddhist centres throughout Malaysia, as well as overseas communities in Singapore, Indonesia, Australia, Sri Lanka and India.
We also invite you to obtain copies of the book for yourself and friends, so that we can read about the basic teachings of Theravada Buddhism written in a clear, succinct style.
We are grateful to Ven. Ajahn Jayasaro and the book’s original publishers in Thailand for allowing its reprint here. We would also like to thank all donors of the book for your generous support. Indeed, the gift of Dhamma excels all gifts! Sadhu anumodana.