A briefing session on ‘Wisdom Park’ for Buddhist community leaders was held on Sunday, 11 October. The briefing session was the second in a series arranged to provide information on the project, as well as to gather feedback from the community. Ven. Sri Saranankara Thero, Ven. Dr. Dhammadinna, Ven. Bhikshuni Sing Kan, Ven. Sumangalā, Ven. Medhā, Ven. Anulā, and leaders of several Buddhist organisations attended the meeting at Nalanda Centre.
Nalanda Founder Bro. Tan briefed the leaders on the objectives and special features of ‘Wisdom Park’ and the proposed development plan. He highlighted the need for properly trained lay Dhamma teachers and competent leaders in order to have effective Buddhist education and propagation for future generations.
President of Buddhist Gem Fellowship Datuk Seri Dr. Victor Wee voicing his support towards the project.
The venerables and leaders then took turns to share their views on the project. There was all-round agreement to build a comprehensive educational facility for the long-term benefit of the Buddhist community. Everyone present are looking forward to the development of ‘Wisdom Park’.