‘Buddha Day’ Pindacāra in Sri Serdang

‘Buddha Day’ Pindacāra in Sri Serdang

Venerables Gunananda and Nandasara going on alms-round in Sri Serdang on Wesak 'Buddha Day'.

In the early morning of Sunday 3 May (which was Wesak ‘Buddha Day’ in Malaysia), dozens of devotees gathered at Nalanda Centre and around Taman Sri Serdang to offer alms to venerable Sangha members on Pindacāra.  It was inspiring to see many people manifesting the spirit of ‘cāga’ (generosity) through wholesome acts of giving.

Pindacāra, or monks going on alms-round, is a traditional programme held at Nalanda on Wesak Day.  This year, we were joined by our earnest friends from Singapore who arrived at 7am to participate in this meritorious act.  May all of us continue to grow spiritually with generosity and virtuous living.  Sadhu anumodana!

Devotees taking part in chanting at Nalanda Centre before embarking on Pindacāra.

After Pindacāra, food dāna was offered to the venerables back at Nalanda Centre.