“The acceptance of this natural process and the truth that all phenomenon are impermanent enables us to not attach , and our mind can always be at peace. “
On Sunday 15 January, over 80 Nalanda devotees and volunteers gathered for the morning service even as Lunar New Year celebrations are just around the corner. On this occasion, Datuk Charlie Chia gave a Dhamma talk on ‘Harmony and Happiness’, to help us reflect on cultivation of wholesome states of mind as we reunite with our family and friends for the festivities.
The morning service commenced with meditation and offerings.
“Happiness starts in our own minds through the acceptance of the universal truths such as impermanence. As the days and years pass, change is within us and surrounds us.”
Devotees listened intently to the talk.
The spirit of harmony starts within us when we develop patience, tolerance and understanding. If we are holding on past grudges and discontent, we should let these go as this is a kindness to ourselves. As we lighten the burdens in our hearts, we can develop goodwill for those around us; hence when we wish others well, we are able to truly send them sincere thoughts of loving-kindness.
Listen to Datuk Charlie’s Dhamma talk at this link https://youtu.be/bROQa700294 to learn more about the values we can cultivate to lead a blessed life. Let us always foster harmony in our relationships so that peace and joy will emerge.
In the Question and Answers session, devotees got to ask Datuk Charlie about concerns in their lives.
Junior Dhamma School students came with a surprise Lunar New Year token for everyone, including a hand-made gift.
The congregation were surprised and grateful for the students’ new year tokens.