Portraits of the late Ven. Kakkapalliye Anuruddha and Acharya S. N. Goenka taking the place of honour at the Nalanda Centre Altar.
A Memorial Service and Pūja for the late Venerable Prof. Kakkapalliye Anuruddha Nayaka Thero and Acharya S. N. Goenka was conducted at Nalanda Centre on Wednesday, 2 October, with much peace and devotion.
Ven. B. Siriwimala Thero and Ven. Maitri led the Pūja and transference of merits at the Memorial Service for both Achariyas. Ven. Siriwimala also gave a sermon on the importance of honouring the worthy ones. Bro. H S Tan then delivered a moving Dhamma Talk in their honour. He spoke about his personal encounters and experience in meeting with these two great teachers. Bro. Tan also spoke about the correct qualities and attitude of a student to win the confidence of his teacher.
The congregation participating mindfully and attentively at the Memorial Service.
At the conclusion of the Service, Mr. Vijaya Samarawickrama thanked everyone for being present to honour these luminaries of Buddha-Sasana. The congregation then lined up to offer flowers and silent prayers at the Shrine.
The congregation transferring merits and lining up to pay respects at the Altar.
We thank everyone for attending the Memorial Service, as well as for your good wishes and kind words. May both venerable and respected teachers share in these merits; may they experience perpetual bliss.