On the evening of Friday 24 May, over 160 members of the Buddhist community gathered at Nalanda Centre for the special screening of the documentary ‘Dhammayatra – A Journey of Self-Discovery’. We were also honoured to host the film’s Director, Mr. Yang Wei Han, and guests Ven. Dr. Tejawaro Thero 天崧法师 and Ven. Bodhi.
In this chronicle of the life of the Buddha in fitting rhetoric, Mr. Yang Wei Han brought the audience back thousands of years to connect with the journey of the historical Sakyamuni Buddha and His lifetime of teaching Dhamma. The audience was also inspired by his personal sharing of his insights in the making of this film, as well as his aspirations to share this film for the prolongation of the Buddha-sāsana.
Mr. Yang Wei Han sharing his aspirations on how this film can benefit the Buddhist community here and overseas.
We extend our deepest gratitude to Mr. Yang for sharing his marvellous work which captured the essence of a spiritual pilgrimage. May your benevolent aspirations and actions reach out to educate and inspire thousands of people on their spiritual path. Sadhu anumodana.