After the weekly meditation session on Wednesday 9 November, Bro. Tan gave a Dhamma teaching addressing the unexpected and somewhat ‘shocking’ results of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections. Bro. Tan said that ‘failure’ is one thing, but ‘defeat’ is another. The truth of the matter is that ‘failure’ and ‘success’ are just part of a process that we can learn from.
In the Dhammapada verse 201, the Buddha taught us not to be swayed by victory and defeat. Victory only breeds jealousy, anger and hatred, while defeat brings sadness, regret and restlessness to the mind. One who gives up ‘victory’ and ‘defeat’ lives in peace and equipoise.
“With Dhamma, there is no worldly victory but ultimate victory; Dhamma is truly good for the spirit.”
Bro. Tan also said that the true victor is not one who won in politics, business, sports, or in any other worldly field, but one who has overcome his own defilements. When we have nurtured this spiritual element, we find that we can remain stable in an unstable world.
With Dhamma, there is no worldly victory but ultimate victory. When we practice Dhamma, we gradually develop a peaceful mind, leading to peaceful thoughts, speech and action. This in turn leads to friendliness and cooperation among people, allowing the world’s problems to be solved amicably.