Achariya Tan Siang Chye began by explaining the difference between Religions, Philosophy and Morality.
Saturday, 4 July marked the commencement of BPS 303 – Certificate in Buddhist Studies, offered by Nalanda Institute’s Department of Buddhist & Pāli Studies. The first session was well-attended by participants from Sri Serdang, as well as from Kelantan via live telecast.
Achariya Tan Siang Chye summarised the essence of the Buddha’s teachings as the path of transformation that leads to the end of suffering. This gradual path is the purification of morality, mental development, and the cultivation of wisdom.
The course received an encouraging response with many constructive questions being raised and discussed. We thank Achariya Siang Chye for the interesting lectures and may all participants progress well in their learning. Sadhu!