On Buddha Day eve, Tuesday 21 May, devotees gathered at Nalanda Centre to ready themselves for the most auspicious observance in the Buddhist calendar. In this serene evening surrounded by kalyana mittā, Sis. Paruadi Ramasamy shared that the path of peace is one that we have to personally experience.
This path is one where we train our mind to reduce unwholesome habits and ways of thinking, so that we can hone right understanding and virtues that bring about calm, peace and joy. Even in the face of challenges and conflict, we can respond mindfully with loving-kindness and patience to effect a positive outcome and impact to those around us.
‘We can also contribute to a harmonious society when we cultivate ourselves in values as taught by the Buddha.’
Buddha Day Observance at Nalanda continues until this Sunday. We invite you to join us for the ‘Young Working Adults Forum’ at 8pm on Thursday 23 May, the special screening of the documentary film ‘Dhammayatra – A Journey of Self-Discovery’ on Friday 24 May, and Youth Cultivation Day with Ajahn Dton Dhirapanno on Saturday 25 May. Find out more about upcoming Wesak programmes at www.wesak.org.my.