Farewell & safe journeys to our Ladakhi friends

Farewell & safe journeys to our Ladakhi friends

Earlier this morning, Ven. Sanghasena and participants of the Jambudvipa-Suvarnabhumi Buddhist Youth Exchange Programme (YEP) have set off for Singapore on the final leg of the exchange programme.  Nalanda leaders and youths bade a heartfelt farewell to our dear friends, with whom  strong bonds of friendship have emerged through 10 days of learning, reflection and camaraderie.

We are grateful to Ven. Sanghasena and the organising team for availing this Youth Exchange Programme, an exceptional opportunity for future leaders to be equipped and inspired to take on the missionary roles of propagating and prolonging the Buddha’s dispensation.  We wish you safe journeys in Singapore and back to Ladakh.  May your noble aspirations be realised for the well-being of many.  Sukhi hontu.