Meditation Night with Ven. Mettananda

Meditation Night with Ven. Mettananda

We invite you to join us this Friday 17 November, for an evening of mental cultivation towards concentration, clarity and peace.  Suitable for both beginners and regular meditators, the Meditation Night guided by Ven. Mettananda will start at 8pm with evening chanting.  Ven. Mettananda, an Italian, ordained as a monk in 2011 in Myanmar under Chanmyay Sayadaw by Sayadaw U Indaka (Chanmyay Myaing Sayadaw).

His vipassana practice started earlier, including under Ven. Sujiva, and continued with Sayadaw U Vivekananda, Sayadaw U Indaka and Ven. Pemasiri.  For three years from 2016, he assisted Sayadaw U Rajinda at Satipatthana Meditation Centre Singapore in youth & samanera programmes.  From 2018, Ven. Mettananda has been conducting vipassana meditation retreats at Santisukharama Meditation Centre in Kota Tinggi.

This year, he was invited to spend the ‘vassana’ period at Santisukharama Meditation Centre and is elected to receive the Kathina robe at the ceremony on 19 November.  Ven. Mettananda also co-authored a book published in Italy, on the life and teachings of Venerable U Lokanātha, the first Italian Buddhist monk.