Ven. Mettananda: “When we first start to observe, there will be many hinderances which needs effort to gradually overcome.”
On Friday 17 November, Nalanda members and devotees joined the participants of the Jambudvipa-Suvarnabhumi Buddhist Youth Exchange Programme (YEP), for Meditation Night led by Ven. Mettananda. Sharing the importance and benefit of meditation, Ven. Mettananda started by asking how accurate we think our perception of reality is and pointed out that historically, widely believed ‘realities’ have been overturned such as the perception that the world is flat.
The Buddha taught us to train the mind to see things as they are and remove distorted perceptions. We can start by cultivating our morality to do good and be good, as well as towards selflessness to weaken the roots of greed, hatred and delusion. Ven. Mettananda also advised us to hone our mindfulness by observing without adding the intrusion of thought.
Welcoming Ven. Mettananda to Nalanda Centre.
Sis. Nandini briefs Ven. Mettananda on the evening’s programme.
Ven. Mettananda on a building tour guided by Sis. Nandini.
Sis. Nandini sharing the history of Buddhism in this part of the world.
Starting the programme with evening chanting.
As we progressively extend these periods of mindfulness, we will start to see change as a characteristic of all internal and external factors, leading us to experience the truths of impermanence, suffering and non-self. We extend our appreciation to Ven. Mettananda for visiting us at Nalanda and giving us guidance in meditation. May all beings be well and happy.
Ven. Mettananda: “Everyone is in a constant search for happiness, but most would rely on something external to experience happiness.”
Ven. Mettananda: “Our perception is a cumulation of our experiences, hence we need to train the mind to clarify our perception.”
Ven. Mettananda guided the congregation in a meditation sitting after the talk.
Breakfast dana to Ven. Sanghasena, Ven. Mettananda and Ven. Vimalacitta the next morning.
Venerable giving their blessings and appreciation for the offering.
Nalanda members meeting with Ven. Sanghasena and Ven. Mettananda.
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