Information & Resources

15 October 2016

Was the Buddha a ‘perfectionist’?

The Buddha was distinguished as ‘the Perfect One’ – He had perfect knowledge of the world and faultless conduct. “By definition, a ‘perfectionist’ is someone who likes to accomplish something perfectly, and finds it difficult to accept anything less than flawless.  No, the Buddha was not a ‘perfectionist’.  He did not have any illusions about perfection.  He truly understood the world and was very clear about imperfections in life.

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19 July 2016

Nālandā declared “World Heritage Site”

On 15 July 2016, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) listed the renowned ancient Buddhist university – Nalanda Mahavihara in India – as a “World Heritage Site”.

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6 June 2016

What is the highest delight?

“‘Delight’ means experiencing joy, pleasure, and happiness.  The Buddha described that of all delights, the delight in Dhamma is most excellent (Pāli – “Sabbaratim dhammarati jinati”; Dhammapada verse 354).  Why is that so?

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17 June 2015

A tribute to Ajahn Chah

17 June marks the birth anniversary of Venerable Ajahn Chah Subhaddo – one of the greatest Dhamma teachers of the modern era.  We humbly pay tribute to Ajahn Chah’s immense contributions and wise teachings that have continued to guide thousands of people along the path of Dhamma.

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11 June 2015

Borobudur – Gem of Buddhist Architecture

Built during the Srivijaya Period in the 9th Century C.E., Borobudur is one of the largest and most impressive Buddhist monuments in the world.  Its structure symbolizes the entire Buddhist cosmology comprising different realms of existence.  Thousands of sculptures and relief carvings chronicling the Buddha’s life adorn the enormous stupa, making it extremely rich in narratives.

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26 April 2015

Colourful and iconic emblem – the Buddhist Flag

Ever wondered why the Buddhist Flag is so colourful?

Well, it was not originally intended to be attention-grabbing; but it is undoubtedly conspicuous and eye-catching!  You see, the Flag was designed way back in 1885 in Sri Lanka.  Back then, the emerging modern Buddhist movement needed a peaceful yet potent symbol to rally followers around.

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23 April 2015

History of the Buddhist Flag

The Buddhist Flag was first hoisted in Sri Lanka on Wesak Day, 28 April 1885, when the country was still under British colonial rule.  At that time, the majority Sinhalese Buddhist population felt discriminated against by the colonial authorities when carrying out their religious activities, as well as pressurized by relentless foreign evangelism.  The Buddhists needed an icon to peacefully rally around, and hence, the idea of the ‘Buddhist Flag’ was conceived.

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19 January 2015

Meeting Māra on the bank of Nerañjara

After almost six years of painful and ultimately futile austerities, Siddhattha Gotama abandoned the practice of self-mortification that did not lead to liberation from suffering.  He then came to the bank of Nerañjara River, to the village of Senanigāma.

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11 January 2015

Siddhattha Gotama’s Stupendous Struggle

After leaving Rajagaha, Siddhattha Gotama went to the vicinity of Uruvela to further his cultivation towards liberation.  There, He was joined by five ascetics in the practice of extreme abstinence from food, rest, and any semblance of comfort, in the belief that such self-mortification can lead to the liberation of the mind from craving and clinging.

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15 December 2014

Rājagaha – Ancient Capital of Magadha

In the 7th Century BCE, Rājagaha (modern-day Rajgir) was the old capital city of Magadha Kingdom.  During the reign of King Bimbisara, it was one of the largest cities in the world.  King Bimbisara was a good administrator and a generous, spiritual person.  Thus, many religious and meditation teachers of the day were attracted to Rājagaha due to his munificent support.

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