
16 January 2014

A Tribute to Ajahn Chah (1918 – 1992)

16 January 2014 marks the 22nd anniversary of Venerable Ajahn Chah’s passing.  More than two decades later, his unique ways of teaching still resonate among us today.  His clear message was presented in simple daily language, yet was deep and profound.  Nalanda pays tribute to this inspiring and influential teacher, whose noble example, wisdom and legacy continue to guide many practitioners presently.  Namo Sanghaya !

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4 January 2014

Ven. Neishu from Japan visits Nalanda Centre

On Saturday 4 January, Nalanda received a visit by Ven. Neishu from Kegon Japanese School in Tōdaiji, Japan.  The venerable bhikshuni (Buddhist nun) who was accompanied by several lay devotees was brought on a tour of Nalanda Centre by Sis. Nandini.  Ven. Neishu expressed her joy in visiting Nalanda Centre with its aesthetic design and peaceful ambience.  She was also happy to learn about the dynamic development of Buddhism in Malaysia.  Before leaving, the venerable thanked Sis. Nandini and Nalandians for their kind hospitality.

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11 December 2013

Dhamma Teachings by Ayya Susīla

On Sunday 8 December, Ayya Susīla gave two uplifting talks to Nalandians.  The first talk was at Nalanda Centre, “From Darkness to Light“, and the second one in Mandarin was at NEO Centre Happy Garden, “如何面对生活中的烦恼”.  Devotees were delighted with the simple and easy-going way of Ayya’s Dhamma teaching. Nalanda’s Deputy President Bro. Lee Teck Beng and Nalanda KL Branch Deputy Chairman Bro. Rudy Gan, together with many other officers, were at Nalanda to receive Ayya Susīla.  Sadhu!

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7 December 2013

Happy 86th Birthday ‘Bhante G’

Nalandians extend our warmest wishes and respect to Venerable Sri Pandit Henepola Gunaratana Māha Nāyaka Thero on his 86th birthday today!  We were truly honoured to host Ven. Gunaratana at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang for 8 days, from 22 – 29 November, and also at NEO Centre Johor Bahru for a day on 21 November.  Popularly known as ‘Bhante G’, Ven. Gunaratana is a renowned Buddhist meditation teacher and author of several influential works, such as the best-selling ‘Mindfulness in Plain English’. Read more

3 December 2013

Bhāvanā Day with Ayya Susīla

On 1 December, Ayya Susīla led the Bhāvanā Day (one-day meditation retreat) at Nalanda Centre.  After the morning Pūja, Ayya Susīla delivered a profound and inspiring Dhamma talk themed “Returning to the Purity of Mind”.  Ayya shared that one should not just focus on having clarity of mind, but also its purity through the cultivation of morality and wisdom.

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30 November 2013

Memorable moments with a spiritual teacher

On Friday 29 November, many devotees came from near and far, joyously offered lunch dāna to Ven. Dr. Gunaratana at Nalanda House.  As the Venerable’s 86th birthday is approaching next week, we took this opportunity to celebrate Bhante’s birthday in advance, not with one birthday cake, but with two!  Read more

29 November 2013

Ajahn Jayanto’s first visit to Nalanda Centre

On Wednesday 27 November, Nalanda Centre welcomed the maiden visit of Ven. Ajahn Jayanto from Amaravati Buddhist Monastery, UK.  Devotees took the opportunity to offer lunch dāna to both Ven. Sri Pandit Henepola Gunaratana Nāyaka Maha Thero and Ven. Ajahn Jayanto. Read more

25 November 2013

Happy meeting of two wonderful Elders

On Sunday 24 November, the Abbot of Sri Lanka Buddhist Temple in Sentul, Ven. Sri Saranankara Nāyaka Thero (40 vassa) made a visit to Nalanda House Sri Serdang to pay respect to an elder monk, Ven. Sri Pandit Henepola Gunaratana Nāyaka Maha Thero (66 vassa). Ven. Sri Saranankara showed deep reverence to the senior bhikkhu.

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23 November 2013

Arrival of Ven. Dr. Henepola Gunaratana at Nalanda Centre

Venerable Sri Pandit Henepola Gunaratana Māha Nāyaka Thero arrived safely at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang on 22 November together with the members of NEO Centre, Johor Bahru. Ven. Gunaratana was warmly welcomed by Bro. Tan, Nalanda officers, members and devotees. Nalandians are overjoyed to meet Bhante again and are eager to learn from his inspiring wisdom.

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21 November 2013

Nalanda hosts Ven. Dr. Henepola Gunaratana

We are very honoured to welcome the visit of Venerable Sri Pandit Henepola Gunaratana Māha Nāyaka Thero to Malaysia!  Ven. Gunaratana at 86 years of age is the Theravada Sangha Nāyaka (senior-most and honorary 'Chief monk') of the USA and North America.  Also popularly known as ‘Bhante G’, he is a renowned Buddhist meditation teacher and author of several influential works, such as the best-selling ‘Mindfulness in Plain English’.

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