
6 March 2013

Ajahn Tiradhammo at Nalanda Centre

Ajahn Tiradhammo from Canada visited Nalanda Centre and delivered an insightful Dhamma talk this evening.  Venerable Ajahn is a senior monk in Ajahn Chah’s Thai forest monk tradition.  On arrival at 6.15pm, Ajahn was received by a group of Nalandian officers and volunteers.  He later had a conversation with Bro.Tan, before being taken on a tour of Nalanda Centre by Sis. Nandini and Bro. Andrew Lee.  Anumodana!

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5 March 2013

Sangha Nāyaka of Malaysia

Nalanda Patron’s Day will be observed over 3 days from 16 – 18 March, with a wholesome line-up of meaningful educational programmes.  18 March 2013 marks the 95th birth anniversary of our late Spiritual Advisor, Venerable Kirinde Sri Dhammananda.  The late venerable was an erudite monk fondly known as the “Sangha Nāyaka of Malaysia”.

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3 February 2013

Luang Por Viradhammo visits Nalanda Centre

Nalanda is honoured by the visit by Phra Ajahn Viradhammo, a senior monk from the forest tradition of Ajahn Chah, today at 1pm.  Luang Por (“venerable elder”) Viradhammo resides in a forest monastery near Ottawa, Canada; and is on a visit to Thailand and Malaysia.

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15 November 2012

The Significance of Robes Offering

On Sunday, 11 November 2012, more than 100 devotees gathered at Nalanda Centre to participate in the auspicious annual Robes Offering Ceremony.  The Srivijaya Hall was packed to the brim; yet the air of peacefulness, devotion and concord was unmistakably present.   Seated together, devotees were united in their aspirations in supporting the Buddhist Sangha.

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2 October 2012

Ven. Dhammavuddho at Nalanda

Ayasma (Venerable) Dhammavuddho Thero, Abbot of Vihara Buddha Gotama in Temoh, Perak, will be sojourning at Nalanda Centre on 3-4 October 2012.  This is an opportunity to meet with and offer dana to the venerable on Thursday, 4 October, at 7am (breakfast) and 11am (lunch).

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6 September 2012

Chief Monk of Yangon visits Nalanda

4 September 2012

On 4 September, Nalanda Centre was honoured to receive a visit by Most Ven. Bhaddanta Eik Di Ba La, Chairman of the Sangha Nayaka Committee, Yangon Division, Myanmar, and some of his local followers.

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1 August 2012

Farewell to Venerable Guttacitta

After 3-weeks sojourning at Nalanda House, Venerable Guttacitta left this morning to return to Bagan Serai.  Ven. Guttacitta will be observing the Vassana (Rains Retreat) in Perak, starting on 3 August.  Many Nalandians were on hand to bid farewell to the venerable at noon, after the customary request for forgiveness and blessings.  We wish Ven. Guttacitta good health and much peace.  We would also like to thank all Nalandians and devotees who have kindly and generously provided food, transport and other forms of dāna to the venerable during his sojourn.  May your goodness lead you to greater joy and peace.  Sadhu anumodana!

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30 July 2012

Satipatthāna Sutta Workshop

26 – 30 July

The Satipatthāna Sutta Workshop held in Nalanda Institute may be over back in March, but its impact and the learning demand resonated throughout the country, whereby six other similar workshops were subsequently held in Penang, Perak, Johor, Sabah, Sarawak, and even Singapore, under the skilful guidance of Venerable Aggacitta Mahathero.

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9 July 2012

National Maha Sanghikadana at Bodhi Park

7 & 8 July 2012 It was a truly grand sight at the National Maha Sanghikadana this weekend as the Malaysian Buddhist community came together to support the meaningful event.  Offering alms and participating in the Maha Sanghikadana strengthens the harmonious ties between the Sangha and lay devotees.  This is vital for the development of Buddhism in Malaysia.  Sadhu anumodana to all who donated, volunteered and participated in this auspicious occasion!

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5 July 2012

H. H. Phra Somdet Munivong Received with Great Reverence at KLIA

The arrival of His Holiness Phra Somdet Munivong, Member of the Sangha Supreme Council of Thailand, at KLIA on 5 July was received with great warmth and reverence by the Thai Buddhist community in Kuala Lumpur as well as by Malaysian devotees.  His Holiness is in Kuala Lumpur to preside over this weekend’s Buddha Relic Veneration and Enshrinement Ceremonies at the Buddhist Maha Vihara (on Saturday, 9.00am – 12.00pm) and at Wat Chetawan, Petaling Jaya (on Saturday 8.00pm – 9.30pm).

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